Apricot Studios 32 PT Silk Laminated Business Card w/Painted Edges & Round Corners
32 PT Silk Laminated Business Card w/Painted Edges & Round Corners
Silk laminated business cards are definitely our most popular item. Silky smooth to the touch, this resistant finish is unique and attractive. You will love the ultra thick 32 pt cards with 1/8" rounded corners!
Silk laminate material is neither 100% shiny nor 100% matte, but reflects light in the way that fine silk does. The feel of the material is smooth and silky, giving any silk laminated materials a classy look and texture.
Size: 2" X 3.5"
Paper Stock: 32PT Silk with painted edges
Corners: 1/8" round - all four
Turnaround: 15-18 Business Days
*Colored edges will extend turnaroud time by 2 or 3 days.
*Multiple finishing options on the same card may extend turnaround as well.
Note: Broker Advocate provides free Continental USA shipping for each order.
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